Mission Okolona Food Pantry, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Okolona, MS. We are an organization working for the residents of Okolona and surrounding communities.
We estimate that today there are 100's of families in and around Okolona that are in need of financial and food support, but have nowhere to turn.
To solve this problem, our goal is to distribute FREE food to low-income and needy residents in our community service area.
Our community is a place for families to live, socialize, and develop social skills that will be useful throughout their lives. It is our policy to provide equal assistance to all qualified persons without discrimination. The fact that "hungry children can't learn" has inspired us to expand our goals next year to launch a Mission Okolona Weekend Backpack Program feeding approximately 195 students at Okolona Elementary School where 100% of the students in attendance received free lunches. Total enrollment is 260 students Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade.
How does our program help the clients we serve be better off?
Every community in America is home to people who struggle with hunger. Okolona, Mississippi and its surrounding communities are no exceptions to this fact. Since federal nutrition programs don’t reach everyone in need, Mission Okolona helps to fill the gap. We serve a community where 80% of residents live in low-income households. Our service ensures those who use our food pantry won't go hungry.